B2C Writing (Marketing) – A Sample by Eloise Väisänen

Aim: Promote a client’s marketing agency
Medium: Online landing page copy


Why Should You Focus on Email Marketing to Grow Your Business?

Email marketing is an extremely useful tool for your business, which is why so many companies are making it an integral part of their marketing budget. In their 2020 Marketing Email Tracker Report the Data and Marketing Association (DMA) reported an average of 18.9% of marketers’ budgets is being spent on email marketing and noted this is nearly double the figure reported for 2018 (10.9%).

This sizeable budget allocation is not without cause. According to McKinsey, email marketing is 40 times more effective at growing a business’ customer base than social media. It also has the highest ROI than any other marketing channel [Source here].

In part, the growth potential email marketing offers your business is due to the ability to personalise your message and deliver it to a targeted audience. You can be sure it lands in your customers’ inboxes at an exact time and date and includes the type of content you
know that audience is going to love and, most importantly, act upon.

In this article, we outline four reasons why you should prioritise email marketing as part of
your marketing strategy:

1. Email is personal
2. Email has one of the highest ROIs of all digital marketing channels
3. Email allows testing of content
4. You own and control your email list


1️⃣ Email is personal
Personalization adds intimacy to what would otherwise be a faceless online interaction with customers. A carefully curated-for-you email is far more likely to translate into high CTRs and conversions than a blanket email blast. For example, research by Campaign Monitor found that, in 2019, marketers who used segmented campaigns noticed as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

It’s undeniable that this customer-centric attitude can drive business success and growth. In fact, according to Gartner, personalising messaging focused particularly on helping consumers can achieve a 16% more impact on commercial efforts than those that don’t.